Designed to control ambiance relative humidity with temperature monitoring
Combined both humidity and temperature sensors seamlessly with the digital auto compensation
External sensors insure humidity and temperature measurements correction with high accuracy
White backlit LCD display both actual humidity and temperature
Can control a humidifier/dehumidifier or a fan directly with max. 16Amp Outlet
Both plug-and-play type and wall mounting type selectable
Provide the special smart hygrostat THP-HygroPro with mould-proof control
Compact structure for more applications
Convenient three small buttons for setup and operation
Set point and work mode can be preset
Designed for detection temperature and relative humidity
High accuracy sensors with combined temperature and relative humidity together with the digital auto compensation
Outside sensing probe design for measurements more accurate, no influence from components heating
Special white backlit LCD can be selected with displaying both actual humidity and temperature
Smart structure for easy disassembly
Provide three types of wall mounting and duct mounting, and split type
Provide up to two dry contact outputs with each 5amp
Friendly operation buttons for setup and operating
Modbus RS485 communication optional
ZigBee wireless optional
Detect and display ambiance relative humidity&temperature
A high accuracy RH & Temp. sensor inside
LCD can display working status such as %RH,temperature, set point, and device mode, etc.Makes reading and operating easy and accurate
Provide one or two dry contact outputs to control a Humidifier/dehumidifier and a cooling/heating device
All models feature user-friendly setting buttons
Enough parameters setup for end users for more applications. All setup will be held even if power failure
Button-lock function avoids wrong operation and keep on the setup
Infrared Remote Control (optional)
Blue backlight (optional)
Modbus RS485 interface (optional)
Provide the controller with an external RH&Temp. sensor or external RH&Temp. sensor box
Other wall mounting and duct mounting humidity controllers, please see our high accuracy hygrostat THP/TH9-Hygro series and THP –Hygro16 Plug-and-Play high-power humidity controller.