About Tongdy Green Building Projects Air Quality Monitors Topics

  • MyTongdy the IOS version of the data platform was officially launched in the apple store

    MyTongdy the IOS version of the data platform was officially launched in the apple store

    MyTongdy the data platform is air quality data acquisition and analysis software independently developed and designed by neutral green. The data platform provides services for global customers, and can simultaneously collect real-time data of online air quality monitoring equipment such as CO2, P...
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  • A new air quality monitor for air ducts is officially on the market!

    A new air quality monitor for air ducts is officially on the market!

    An air quality monitor independently developed and produced by Tongdy, is specially designed for real-time monitoring of multiple air quality parameters in the air supply and return ducts of HVAC system. The air quality monitor for air ducts breaks through the traditional air pump air guide mode,...
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  • Tongdy supported AIANY annual meeting in Chicago

    Tongdy supported AIANY annual meeting in Chicago

    The air quality and material impacts on buildings and architectural spaces via RESET Standard and the ORIGIN Data Hub has been discussed. 04.04.2019, at theMART, Chicago. Tongdy and its IAQ Monitors As being a professional supplier of real time air quality monitors and other gases d...
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  • Tongdy is supporting “RESET” and “AIANY”

    Tongdy is supporting “RESET” and “AIANY”

    Join Tongdy for a support on quantifying airquality and material impacts via the RESET Standard and the ORIGIN Data Hub,Organized by AIANY Committee on the Environment. Speaker &Calendar. Raefer Wallis, Founder and CEO, GIGA Thursday, 04.04.2019, 6PM – 8PM, at theMART, Chicago. What i...
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  • Holiday notification for Chinese New Year

    Holiday notification for Chinese New Year

    Dear customer, Chinese Spring Festival is the grandestfestival in China. Our company, Tongdy will be closed for the Spring Festival, fromFebruary 3rd to February 10th, 2019. During the holiday, orders and shipmentscannot be handled. The delivery time around the...
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