About Tongdy Green Building Projects Air Quality Monitors Topics
Green Building World Overview——Yishun Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Green Building Worldwide Overview——The Change Initiative
Green Building Worldwide Overview——Rain Collector Skyscraper
Newest LoraWAN IAQ Monitor is issued
Tongdy has released a new powerful indoor air quality monitor, which can monitoring CO2,TVOC, PM2.5, Temp.&RH, light, nouse or CO. It can support one of LoraWAN/WiFi/Ethernetor RS485 interface, and it has data storage for local data download by BlueTooth. It’s an in-wall type or on-wall...Read more -
Green Building Worldwide Overview——Phipps Center for Sustainable Landscapes
Improving workplace health with indoor air quality monitors
As the world becomes more aware of the impact of air pollution on human health, the importance of maintaining good indoor air quality has received a lot of attention. People spend most of their day in the workplace, so it should be an environment that enhances productivity and well-being. ...Read more -
Green Building Worldwide Overview——Toyooka, Japan: Ecological House
Green Building Worldwide Overview——Bullitt Center
End of Heat
Green Building Worldwide Overview——World Trade Centre Bahrain
Day 2 Green Building Worldwide Overview——Pixel Building
Green Building Worldwide Overview——Siemens The Crystal