BHand Privacy Policy

When you use BlueT/BlueT (hereinafter referred to as "software"), we will be committed to protecting your privacy and complying with relevant privacy regulations. Our Privacy Policy is as follows:
1. Information we collect
We only collect the information necessary for the application to provide the Bluetooth communication service you need. This information may include Bluetooth-related information such as device names, Bluetooth MAC addresses, and Bluetooth signal strengths that can be scanned by you or around you. Unless expressly authorized by you, we will not obtain your personally identifiable information or contact information, nor will we upload information related to other unrelated devices scanned to our server.
2. How we use the information we collect
The information we collect is only used to provide your desired Bluetooth communication services, and when necessary, to debug and optimize applications or hardware.
3. Information Sharing
We will never sell or rent your information to third parties. Without violating relevant laws and regulations, we may share your information with our service providers or your distributors to provide services or support. We may also share your information with government or police authorities when legally ordered to do so.
4. Security
We employ reasonable techniques and measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. We regularly evaluate and update our security policies and practices to ensure we maintain best practice levels in protecting your information.
5. Changes and Updates
We reserve the right to change or update this Privacy Policy at any time and recommend that you review our Privacy Policy at any time for any changes.
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact our customer service department.